(Native Garden)

(Native Garden)

(Pond Garden)

(Native Garden)

(Native Garden)

(Native Garden)

(Pond Garden)

(Native Garden)

(Pond Garden)

(Native Garden)

(Native Garden)

(Native Garden)

(Native Garden)

(Pond Garden)
Nature photography is one of my biggest hobbies. Along with being small habitat restorations, my native garden and pond garden are also great photography subjects. They allow me to photograph North American native plants as well as the insects and animals they attract, just by walking outside. The photos below were taken over the past few years in my gardens. You can hover over each photo to see a description of what they are and which garden they're from. You can also click on each photo to enlarge them. It's worth mentioning that not every plant in my pond garden is native, but most are. All plants in my native garden are native to the United States, and most to my specific location.

(Pond Garden)

(Pond Garden)

(Pond Garden)

(Native Garden)

(Pond Garden)

(Pond Garden)

(Pond Garden)

(Pond Garden)

(Native Garden)

(Native Garden)

(Native Garden)

(Native Garden)

(Pond Garden)

(Pond Garden)

(Native Garden)

(Native Garden)

(Pond Garden)

(Native Garden)

(Native Garden)

(Pond Garden)

(Pond Garden)

(Native Garden)

(Pond Garden)

(Native Garden)

(Pond Garden)

(Pond Garden)

(Pond Garden)

(Native Garden)